Dr. Robert Wright
Board Member
- Board Member
- Board Members, Speakers Bureau
- robert.wright@augie.edu
Robert E. Wright is the (co)author or (co)editor of over two dozen major books, book series, and edited collections, including The Poverty of Slavery (Palgrave 2017).
Wright has taught business, economics, and policy courses at Augustana University, NYU’s Stern School of Business, Temple University, the University of Virginia, and elsewhere since taking his Ph.D. in History from SUNY Buffalo in 1997. He is currently a Senior Fellow with the American Institute for Economic Research and the Paul Coverdell Distinguished Visiting Fellow of Policy Studies at Georgia College and State University.
Speaker’s Bureau Talks:
The Economics of Slavery, 1750-2013
The Poverty of Slavery: How Slavers Victimize Entire Economies
Abolitionist Insight: