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“Numberless, Diverse Acts of Courage and Belief: The Struggle Against Slavery in History and in the Present” Dr. Aidan McQuade, Director, Anti-Slavery International Delivered on 23 February 2017 in Barnard’s Inn Hall, Gresham College, London. It is two years since, as...

HAS Newsletter: March 2017

NEWSLETTER: MARCH 2017 “Enslaved Children, ‘Rescue Fantasies, and the Problem with ‘Innocence’,” Dr. Anna Mae Duane http://www.historiansagainstslavery.us/main/2017/03/enslaved-children-duane/ “Twice Punched in the Gut” , Dr. Robert E. Wright http://www.historiansagainstslavery.us/main/2017/02/twice-punched-in-the-gut-wright/ “One Million Abolitionists Project,” Frederick Douglass Family Initiative http://www.fd2018.org/...