Last weekend’s inaugural HAS conference was a rousing success, thanks to the tireless work of conference organizer Nikki Taylor, the staff of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and all the presenters on the program.
Many attended the meeting in person, but many more can also now "relive" the conference on our archive of tweets, which contains over 650 posts about the sessions and lectures. The archive is fully searchable as well as sortable by keyword and date. Nathan Jeremie-Brink also compiled a Storify of the conference tweets, which provides more of a narrative flow through the weekend’s events.
Enjoy the tweets and these pictures of conference events, and keep your eye on our blog for further debriefings and updates on "Crossing Boundaries, Making Connections: American Slavery and Antislavery, Now and Then."
- Douglas Blackmon offers a brilliant and inspiring keynote to begin the conference.
- John Donoghue discusses how to connect slavery past and present.
- A question from the audience at the Historic and Contemporary U.S. Slaveries panel.
- Kerry Ward discusses martime slavery and antislavery past and present.
- Panelists prepare to discuss “panel “Enslaved Children, Historic and Contemporary.”
- Catherine Clinton asks a question at a panel.
- Anna Mae Duane discusses child labor in the panel “Enslaved Children, Historic and Conteporary”
- Norma Ramos keynote luncheon: State of Contemporary Sex Trafficking
- April DJ Petillo discusses the intersections between chattel slavery and targeted trafficking of Native peoples.
- A large audience listens to Norma Ramos.
- Bob Wright chairs the panel, Testimonies: Ohio Inmates, Labor Exploitation, Profit, and Contemporary Forms of Slavery. Panelists: Doug Blackmon, Mike Brickner, De’Ron Smith.
- The panelists on the Feminist Activism Against Sex Trafficking panel.
- Wendy Nelson-Kauffman and her remarkable Student Abolitionists Stopping Slavery high school students.
- Amazing students who lead the Adrian College Antislavery group.
- Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan, Stacey Robertson, and Elizabeth Goldberg
- Catherine Clinton and Shamere McKenzie
- HAS Founder James Brewer Stewart and Board Members share a light-hearted moment at the 2013 conference.
- HAS Co-Directory Stacey Robertson welcomes audience to first session.
- Baldemar Velasquez of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC).
- Douglas Blackmon speaks to students from the University of Richmond.
- Board Member Stephen Rozman introduces panelists.
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